It is one of the most stressful things in life, which can seem more stressful when you add children into the mix! Moving home is never straightforward, and if you have young children or babies, you need to get the balance right, making sure that children are occupied enough, while also making sure that you don’t get too stressed. What can you do to make it easier for everyone?
Plan Everything Down to the Smallest Detail
It is never too early to start packing. Even if the move is a couple of months away, you have the opportunity now while everything is quieter and less hectic to organise things. It’s important to remember that when you start to book storage facilities and moving companies, they could get booked up if you left it to the last minute. Companies like Two Men And A Truck are always helpful, but it’s down to you to make sure you get your ducks lined in a row! Planning everything down to the smallest detail may seem like overkill, but as they say, failing to prepare is preparing to fail!
Involving Your Children
No matter how young your child is, they will be desperate to help in some way. There will be a lot of activity going on at home, and involving them keeps them occupied while also keeping nagging and moaning to the bare minimum. It’s crucial to remember that whatever they need to do, it’s a distraction, even if it is a small one. Getting your child to pack up the books or toys may only take 10 minutes, but it’s 10 minutes to focus on what you need to do properly.
Declutter, Declutter, and Declutter!
When there are children in tow, there is so much clutter. It is important to use this opportunity to get rid of everything you don’t need anymore. Look at your child’s toy collection. What haven’t they used for six months? When you are looking at moving or putting items in storage, you’ve got to remember that moving day will be a lot easier if you’ve decluttered the equivalent of a few boxes.
Stick to Your Meal Plan in the Run-Up to Moving Day
If there are plenty of items in the freezer, now is the time to start using all of them. A couple of weeks away from the big move, plan your meals, and stick to it. This is the perfect time to use all of that freezer fodder and have a wonderful buffet! Moving food is not worthwhile, especially if a bag of freezer food gets left behind. Ultimately, you are not just wasting the food, but you are wasting money.
You’ve got to make it easier on yourself when moving with any kids. If you’ve never moved with children before, it is quite an eye-opener. Whether you are moving with a self-sufficient child or a baby during these uncertain times, you need to make life easier for everyone. It’s also important to remember that moving is stressful for the children. Involving them in the process rather than getting stressed out will make everybody happier.