My skin has been feeling quite dry recently and quite frankly looked tired and dull. I needed to change up my skincare and start giving my skin a little more TLC. I started looking on the Boots website at products and was also almost sucked in by the Lumi hype when I came to my senses and decided to shop my stash and use up some of the products in my dressing table that are unused. I can’t believe how quickly my skin started to look and feel better just from a few new products.
So I mentioned the Lumi hype. They’re all over Instagram and the before and after pictures are impressive for lots of people but then the price tag is impressive also. I got a Foreo Luna Play in a Beauty Advent Calendar and have never used it so finally dug it out. It’s a sonic face cleanser so works along similar lines as the Lumi but only lasts for 100 uses so it’s not a long term solution. It’s gentle which is good for my sensitive skin but also quite impressive how well it cleanses and leaves smooth skin with a glow.
I started using the Foreo Luna Play in the morning and before bed at night and wanted to use a new cleanser rather than sticking to the Liz Earle Hot Cloth Cleanser. I have a couple of gift set sized Dermalogica products and in it was the Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel. I’m not always keen on gel cleansers but I’m not sure whether it’s the Foreo Luna or the ingredients in this one that’s made it feel really soothing on my skin. My skin feels so clean and calm, not at all tight after I use it.
I’ve also started using the Dermalogica Daily Exfoliant, though not daily. This is a powder that activates with water and I really like the creamy paste consistency. Its not at all harsh on my skin and has helped with dry skin and clogged pores. Another Dermalogica product that I’m rating highly.
Next is one of those products that ended up moving towards the back of my stash and completely got forgotten about. The L’AVES Botanical Rain Mist Toner is the perfect product for a quick spritz after cleansing your skin to give it a hydrating boost. I said before I don’t like the scent of this product and unfortunately my feelings are still no different but I can put up with it if it’s going to help my skin to be smoother and more radiant.
I’m struggling to find an under eye treatment that I love. Maybe my expectations are just far too high when realistically I think tear trough filler would be more suitable. Anyway I’ve gone back to The Ordinary Caffeine Solution and I think it’s helped slightly with redness. It’s not at all expensive which is a big positive. I’ll keep using it to properly see if there’s any improvement with my under eye circles.
My last skincare product change up is the Simple Hydrating Booster. I’ve been using a few different serums but I quite like this gel hydrating booster before using one of my many moisturisers. Simple products are always so gentle on the skin and this one is no different. This product is great for properly targeting dry patches and it’s been a much needed product for my forehead. Another little bargain product too.