Mooie stickers voor kantoor

In een kantoor kan ervan uitgegaan worden dat er hard gewerkt wordt. Processen die in een kantoor worden ingezet moeten ervoor zorgen dat bedrijven beter moeten presteren. In een kantoor moet dus met een bepaalde serieusheid te werk gegaan worden. Opties om op een positieve manier medewerkers te beïnvloeden om hun best te doen zijn altijd welkom. Geweldige stickers maken

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Home Maintenance | Spring Clean

We are approaching the time of year when many people think about doing a big ‘spring clean’. While as the name suggests, it is primarily cleaning, it is also a good opportunity to do all those little maintenance jobs that so many of us put off throughout the year.   However, by putting those small jobs off – cleaning out your

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Post-Pandemic Wedding | Supporting the bride-to-be

Getting married used to seem like something that was just ‘meant to be’. All things came together naturally on a wedding day, whether it’s all the varying logistics or the guests from different parts of the world. However, recent times have meant these special occasions have been bombarded with numerous restrictions to keep people safe. Though limits have been lifted regarding how many

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Wat kun je allemaal online bestellen?

Digitalisatie is een feit en steeds meer bedrijven beginnen met e-commerce. Online-producten verkopen kan namelijk heel winstgevend zijn en bijna iedere onderneming doet het. De meeste consumenten hebben al een keer wat op het internet besteld en dit wordt alleen maar erger. Tegenwoordig is het mogelijk om bijna alles op het internet te bestellen. Het begon allemaal bij kleding, maar

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Going back into the office | Beauty Essentials

In the next few months leading up to the new year, several people may return to working from the office even though the pandemic is raging. When business resumes, those who became used to working in a less formal setting all day may need to transition to business as usual. Companies may alternate a few days of working from home

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No Heat Hairstyles | Curls

Lockdown has been the perfect opportunity for girls to treat their hair and skin properly. Without work or going out socialising you don’t feel the need to actually do your hair or makeup. I wash my hair at night, I always have done, mostly because my hair is quite long and porous and takes ages to dry. I normally blast it with

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Haircare Review | Aussie SOS

This post has been a long time coming and it seems strange to say that I’ve not had much time, when we’re in a lockdown. I suppose that gets added to the fact that there’s just not much going on so very little to post about.  However, like in the last lockdown I’m taking the opportunity when we’re not out

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Home Happenings | Summer Updates

When summer arrives, you get the chance to make the most of your outdoor space. Whether you have a sprawling garden or even just a little yard, you can sit outside and enjoy the sun when it decides to come out to play. Getting your outdoor space ready for the summer means making it into a comfortable place, where you

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